Public Speaking Hypnotherapy

Both Bonita Rayner-Jones & her Associates in London have first hand experience of public speaking, Bonita in her previous profession in the Investment Banking arena along with currently running workshops and giving talks on Psychology, and her Associates during careers in both the Public and Private Sector.

A Public Speaker, you could be too - following a course of Public Speaking HypnotherapyIs just the thought of standing up and speaking and/or presenting in front of a group of people making you feel nervous? Or maybe you find yourself holding back in your regular meetings for fear of saying something silly, but inside you know you have something valid to say?

The majority of companies these days require their employees to present in one form or another, therefore, feeling comfortable presenting is an excellent way to enhance your career and presence in the work place.

We have helped many clients ranging from ‘Best Men’ who are preparing to give a good wedding speech, through to CEOs of top Corporates who, though they have progressed to a leadership position, still feel nervous inside when speaking to a large group. If this sounds to be you, then you too, could benefit from our Public Speaking Hypnotherapy.

When it comes to presentations and interviews there are 2 essential elements to a good delivery, firstly, is to know what you are talking about and secondly, is feeling confident in yourself as you deliver.  At Hypnotherapy Associates we can’t give you the knowledge in your specific field, which, about 99% of our clients don’t need anyway, but what we can help with is building your confidence and style for an exceptional delivery.

Public Speaking Hypnotherapy, coaching and NLP helps with public speaking by applying various techniques (suggestions, imagery, NLP etc) to positively make adjustments within the 'unconscious' part of your mind so that you start to think more confidently and begin believing in your ability to give an interesting and enjoyable presentation in a relaxed, comfortable manner. Remember the only difference between a person with confidence and someone without, is their perception of themself and their belief in what they do.  Specific suggestions are tailored to each individual client, so that the Public Speaking Hypnotherapy sessions for fear of public speaking fit each client’s circumstances.  Bonita also introduces transformational coaching elements into the sessions, to create a deep, profound change.

We can help you to improve your style of delivery and remove any fears so you begin to look forward to speaking publicly and enjoying the rewards it can bring.

Public Speaking Hypnotherapy & NLP for Public Speaking helps to:

  • Increase self esteem and confidence
  • See yourself as a good speaker
  • Communicate more effectively even in difficult situations
  • Improve your presentation skills
  • Ignite your career and be a better leader
  • Hone your skills of persuasion
  • Increase motivation to go into public speaking situations
  • Stimulate calmer, more rational thought processes

Many of our successful clients never believed they would ever feel comfortable presenting, but after just a few Public Speaking Hypnotherapy sessions with us, we turned this around.

Most clients benefit from about 2 to 4 Public Speaking Hypnotherapy sessions for permanent change.  This is our average amount of sessions but each client is different, so do enquire and we will tailor your treatment to your individual requirements.

We look forward to helping you too.


Some of our Public Speaking Hypnotherapy Testimonials:

I really really dreaded presenting, which, is unfortunately a major part of my job. I've had two client meetings since my last session with Bonita where I've had to present ideas and I've already noticed a shift in my perception of presenting, to one of 'sharing' my ideas as opposed to being ‘put on the spot’ and it went so much better than I anticipated, thankfully no ‘flight or fight’ sensation which I usually would have had.

I wanted to pass on my thanks, I feel like I'm on an upward path, which is such a relief.
N. K.

Text from client:  Thank you Bonita it was great.  No shaking, it worked!  You are a genius.

Text from client:  Bonita, the presentation went well, thanks, really pleased.

Text from client:  Hi Bonita, I had my meeting this morning and it went brilliant, no real nerves.  I didn’t go red, nicely paced.  Thanks so much.

Text from client:  Thanks Bonita for all your help.  I did get the job!

Text from client: My interview went well and I was hardly nervous at all.   I got the job! Thank you for all your help.

Hi Bonita, I just wanted to let you know that my public speaking engagement went brilliantly! Thank you so much for your help; I am thinking so differently about public speaking now. About 150 people saw me speak & I received so much great feedback & it felt pretty good too! My Director saw me speak and said she thought I was so good that she is putting me forward for as many speaking opportunities as she can!

Thanks again so much, I can’t believe the difference.

I could not recommend Bonita Rayner-Jones (Hypnotherapy Associates) highly enough. She is SO lovely and understanding and easy to talk to.. and it WORKS! She is worth 5 times as much as she charges in my opinion!
Chloe Coll