Fertility Hypnotherapy

Bonita Rayner-Jones is a Hypnotherapist based in Harley Street, London and is specifically trained in Fertility Hypnosis to work with clients with fertility problems and has vast experience in this area.

Aid your chances of conceiving through Hypnotherapy Associates' Fertility Hypnotherapy in LondonAre you looking for help to conceive naturally or would like some support during your existing IVF plan?

We provide Specialist help in this area, by providing a ‘mind’ fertility Hypnotherapy programme to help you to become the Mother and/or Father you would like to be. We can help prepare you in advance of getting pregnant, whether this is naturally or prior and during IVF.

Your mind exerts tremendous power over your body so if you are finding you are not conceiving as quickly as you would like, we can help to address the ‘mind’ element of the problem.

Clinical Paper on the effects of psychological stress on ovarian dysfunction and infertility:https://rbej.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12958-020-00657-1#:~:text=Oocyte%20and%20early%20embryon

We predominantly work with women through the Fertility Hypnotherapy programme but we can also provide support for male partners   It is most beneficial to bring balance to both partners, emotionally and physically, during a time that can become very stressful if this emotional aspect is not treated in parallel.




Features of the Fertility Hypnotherapy Programme:

  • Fertility Hypnotherapy to let go of any emotional blocks or worries that can create infertility issues.   We will work to identify and process emotional issues that might be interfering with conception.
  • Hypnotherapy and the teaching of fertility self hypnosis to let go of stress, using specialised breathing and relaxation techniques. 
  • Utilising metaphor and imagery to encourage fertility and a positive outcome
  • Fertility Hypnotherapy healing techniques to address physical aspects and support the reproductive system for optimum viability
  • Hypnotherapy to help create fulfillment in life while waiting for children. Ensuring that life is still enjoyable rather than ‘on-hold’ until a baby comes.
  • Provide healing to allow you to move forward from any traumatic experiences of miscarriage, loss of an unborn child or any other traumatic past experience(s)

The Fertility Hypnotherapy programme typically consists of 5 sessions to address all aspects of fertility, but we can also tailor the sessions to your individual, specific needs.  This can be done by providing more or fewer sessions depending on your individual circumstances. 

Whatever your needs, we can help you through our Fertility Hypnotherapy here at Hypnotherapy Associates. Our clinic is based in either Harley St, London. Do contact us if you have any further queries where we would be happy to answer any questions.

We look forward to hearing from you regarding our Fertility Hypnotherapy programme.

Bonita & her Associates

Some of our Fertility Hypnotherapy Testimonials:

Email from client:  Hi Bonita, just to let you know, a miracle has happened!! I’m pregnant and I feel great!  I’m staying calm and trusting my body which feels good, I’m going to continue with my visualisations and relaxation self hypnosis and will give you a call to do the HypnoBirthing together. [Client went on to do the HypnoBirthing programme & gave birth to a beautiful baby girl called Florence]