Addiction Treatment

Addiction Hypnotherapy

Bonita Rayner-Jones is specifically trained in Addiction Hypnotherapy and has helped many clients over the years to beat their addictions 

At Hypnotherapy Associates we have helped many clients to take control of their lives and let go of their addictions through our addiction hypnotherapy in London. If you have a behaviour that has become a problem, that is controlling you rather than you controlling it, then our Addiction Hypnotherapy treatment can certainly help.

  • Do you feel dependent upon a certain object, behaviour, or substance for your sense of wellbeing?
  • Do you experience that object, behaviour, or substance as being in control of you rather than you being in control of it?
  • Do you think your job, relationships, family, health, and wellbeing are being negatively affected in some way because of a habit you feel you are unable to stop?

Addictions in whatever form, can be treated successfully with Addiction Hypnotherapy, NLP and coaching in London, so that, after just a few sessions, you can feel like you are back in control of your life.  

Addiction is a pattern that operates on the level of the ‘unconscious mind’, and seeks anything that will bring ‘instant gratification’ as a way to move us away from pain and towards pleasure.  Hypnotherapy works on the level of the 'unconscious mind', which means that the change is being made on a much deeper level than when we try to stop through our own 'will power' alone, creating lasting change rather than abstaining for a few days until the novelty wears off!

Hypnotherapy Associates using hypnotherapy, coaching and NLP have successfully treated many different forms of addiction, including,

·      Alcohol Addiction

·      Cocaine Addiction

·      Cannabis Addiction

·      Food Addiction

·      Gambling Addiction

·      Internet Addiction

·      Pornography Addiction

·      Screen Addiction

·      Sex Addiction

·      Video Game Addiction

This list is by no means exhaustive, so if you are addicted to something that is not listed here, please get in touch anyway as there’s a good chance we can help!

Some of the ways Hypnotherapy, NLP and coaching can help you let go of your addiction are:

  • Reducing the level of urges and compulsive cravings to act out your addiction
  • Changing your thinking and emotional response around things that used to trigger you into acting out your addiction
  • Increasing awareness of your addiction’s ‘unconscious functioning’ so that you have more control of it
  • Building confidence and self-esteem so that you get your confidence back
  • Reducing stress that may have been contributing to the problem
  • Dealing with underlying emotions that may have been keeping you stuck
  • Helping you create a clear vision of how you want to live your life once you have let go of your addiction completely and for good

Imagine how good you will feel about yourself once you have let go of your addiction and taken back control of your life.  Hypnotherapy Associates can help you do that, so if you have any questions or would like to book your first session, please contact us, we have excellent Addiction Recovery Coaches with long term success ready to help you.


& the team at Hypnotherapy Associates


I received hypnotherapy sessions to help assist me with my recovery from drug addiction. I found the sessions to be very helpfull. I was made to feel very at ease discussing sensitive and personal issues in my life. I also had a personal recording of the hypnosis for me to listen to, to continue helping me after our sessions had ended. Overall I would certainly recommend this treatment to other people who are struggling with similar problems.