Insomnia Hypnotherapy

Do you feel tired when you go to bed, but then find yourself tossing and turning, mind racing with lots of stuff going through your mind?  Or maybe you get off to sleep easily and then wake up at 1/2/3.00am(ish) and can't get off to sleep again?

People with insomnia have one or more of the following:

  • Difficulty falling asleep
  • Waking up often during the night and having trouble going back to sleep
  • Waking up too early in the morning
  • Unrefreshing sleep

If you suffer from any of the above it is likely you awake feeling unrefreshed, resulting in a lethargic, irritable, unproductive day.  Many clients also report dreading night time and the stuggle to sleep. If this sounds like you, then we hope we can help through our Insomnia Hypnotherapy.

NHS recommends hypnosis to aid restful sleep:

Some drugs, alcohol, as well as poor general health can effect sleep but our minds psychologically can also have a big effect, which can make the difference between a good nights sleep and a bad one.

At Hypnotherapy Associates we work with a range of clients suffering from sleep problems, whether you have experienced insomnia from childhood or more recently. Insomnia can occur during a stressful period and remain even though the stressful period is over.  

Insomnia Hypnotherapy offers a gentle and effective approach.  It is not uncommon for a client of ours, who has been an insomniac of 20 years, to find relief through our Insomnia Hypnotherapy.

Hypnosis communicates directly with the 'unconscious' part of your mind where it can move you from the sleepless ‘loop’ which your mind has become ‘stuck’ on, to a better pattern of sleeping. Insomnia Hypnotherapy will also address any stress which maybe contributing to your negative sleeping pattern, so you are feeling calmer, more relaxed and in control.

Insomnia can be identified as a habit, along with any other behaviour, the good news is, all habits have the possibility to change through Insomnia Hypnotherapy, coaching and Insomnia NLP.

We look forward to helping you too, to get a good nights sleep...

Insomnia Hypnotherapy & Insomnia Coaching helps by:

  • If applicable heal any past events which may have triggered the insomnia
  • Increase levels of calm and ability to unwind
  • Teaching of self hypnosis to induce sleep
  • Stress reduction
  • Shift the negative perception of sleep and bedtime to a positive one
  • Hypnosis recordings are provided for you to listen to at bedtime, assisting a deeper sleep.
  • Gain a holistic view of the client and advise of any 'lifestyle' adjustments

Whether you are going through just a ‘bad patch’ of not sleeping or your problem has been longer term, don’t suffer in silence, we understand how isolating sleep problems can be.

We hope that we can help you with our Insomnia Hypnotherapy, as we have helped many others.


Some of our Insomnia Hypnotherapy Testimonials:

Thanks for your help Bonita, I’m feeling good and sleeping well, you have helped me a lot.

Thank you for the last session Bonita, it was very useful and I have slept well since, listening to the CD before going to bed.  As I have been sleeping well automatically my thoughts are more positive and I'm coping much better with things.

Bonita, After nearly 20 years of insomnia I can't thank you enough.  After the couple of sessions we had together I have slept well every night. Thanks so much.

Hi Bonita, just to say that my sleeping is much, much better. Thank you so much for your help.

Hi Bonita, my sleep seems to be back to normal and totally cool.  Thank you for all your help, such a relief!  (Client emailed after 3 sessions for help with sleeping after suffering with insomnia on and off since a child).

Hi Bonita, I just had to share that I was asleep before midnight last night, unassisted, whiich is the first time in 3.5months!  Thank you so much for Wednesday.

“Bonita has given me my sleep back. Having struggled to fall asleep since I was a child, with extreme bouts of insomnia, I had four sessions with her that focussed on quieting my mind, building the confidence to know that I had it within me to fall asleep every night and it worked. Bonita is highly skilled and has transformed my life now that I’m sleeping. I couldn’t recommend her more highly”.  
KH (30 yr old female struggling with sleep)