Press Page
Just a few of the publications we have featured in:
Bonita Rayner-Jones gives some tips for learning new skils
Bonita Rayner-Jones gives some tips for building confidence
Bonita Rayner-Jones gives advice for when 'life doesn't go to plan!
Bonita Rayner-Jones gives advice to those facing the end of life
Bonita Rayner-Jones gives some tips for helping manual workers during the 'lockdown' period. Helpful for any workers too!
Bonita Rayner-Jones gives some career advice for Age UK

29th November 2019 Bonita advises on how to change career in later life click here to see articlle
Bonita Rayner-Jones advises how Hypnotherapy can help with Stopping Smoking

11th January 2015 Bonita advises a Telegraph reader on Hypnotherapy to stop smoking click here to see article
Bonita Rayner-Jones helps a 'stressed' Journalist with Hypnotherapy for stress in the Business Traveller
28th November 2013, Bonita helps a stressed Journalist with hypnotherapy for stress click here to see article
Bonita Rayner-Jones advises how Hypnotherapy can help with Blushing

24th March 2013, Bonita advises a Telegraph reader how Hypnotherapy can help with Blushing click here to see article
Bonita Rayner-Jones advises how Hypnotherapy can help with Stress in Parenting

22nd October 2012, Bonita advises a Telegraph reader how Hypnotherapy can help with Stress as a Parent click here to see article
Bonita Rayner-Jones advises how Hypnotherapy can help with Sexual Problems

21st August 2012, Bonita advises a Telegraph reader how Hypnotherapy can help with a Sexual Problem click here to see article
Bonita Rayner-Jones treats IBS through hypnosis
16th July 2012, Bonita helps a Daily Mail journalist with her IBS with outstanding results click here to see article
Bonita Rayner-Jones advises on Stress & Depression around Studying
23rd October 2011, Bonita advises a Telegraph reader how Hypnotherapy can help with stress and depression around studying click here to see article
Bonita Rayner-Jones advises on Labyrinthitis

15th May 2011, Bonita advises a Telegraph reader how Hypnotherapy can help with Labyrinthitis (Inner Ear Infection) click here to see article
Bonita Rayner-Jones relieves an Alton Towers' Worker's Phobia

22nd January 2010, Bonita cures a worker's distressing phobia for good. click here to see article
Bonita Rayner-Jones features in
The Heroes of Harley Street

July 2008, Bonita's practice in Harley St features in the 20 top Medics in Harley St by the London Evening Standard.
Bonita advises on relaxation techniques

November 2007 Bonita advises readers on how to de-stress.
Bonita Rayner-Jones advises how Hypnotherapy can help ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

4th April 2010, Bonita advises a Telegraph reader how Hypnotherapy can help with ME / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome click here to see article
Bonita Rayner-Jones advises on Hypnotherapy for OCD

29th January 2010, Bonita advises a Telegraph reader how Hypnotherapy can help with OCD / Germ Phobia click here to see article
Bonita Rayner-Jones advises on Stress Relief

17th November 2010, Bonita advises a Telegraph reader how Hypnotherapy can help with Stress. click here to see article
Bonita Rayner-Jones advises on Vomiting Phobia

8th November 2010, Bonita advises a Telegraph reader how Hypnotherapy can help with a Vomiting Phobia. click here to see article